tiktok bookmarks

tiktok bookmarks

Deleting Multiple Documents In One Request With Hidden Form Input

Creating a router and a controller to delete a single video by ID was fairly straightforward. However, this method would give each video its own unique route where a user could then click to delete a video. This sounded pretty tedious, so it was important to me that users could select as many videos as they liked and then click a delete icon to remove videos from their collection of favorites.

tiktok bookmarks

Following URLs with Redirect Requests in Node.js with Follow Redirects

While building out my TikTok app, I encountered a problem that made storing and displaying data difficult: the TikTok API stopped allowing response requests from mobile TikTok links. When using the Copy Link function on the native TikTok app, the app produces a shortened URL.

tiktok bookmarks

Using Nodemon to Automate Server Reloads

The first step to building my fullstack bookmark application is learning about backend development. While testing out basic concepts in Node.js and Express, I found myself constantly terminating jobs only to restart them a few moments later after making minor changes to my code. Going through this process every time I wanted to see anything updated became pretty annoying fairly quickly.

tiktok bookmarks

Creating User Stories for a MERN Stack TikTok Bookmark Organizer

During quarantine, TikTok became one of my new favorite sources for entertainment. A never ending series of relatively quick (and mostly fun) videos on a wide variety of topics is a fun way to pass the time. One feature TikTok has is the ability to like videos and store these videos within a folder on the app. However, after several months of liking videos, earlier bookmarks that I wanted to return to were buried very deeply within this folder. The app has no way of sorting these videos or organizing them into folders. After becoming frustrated by not being able to find some of my older bookmarked videos, I decided to build my own external TikTok bookmark organizer.
