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Using Aggregation to Work With Nested Arrays in MongoDB

After restructuring my database to accommodate user authentication, I was faced with a new challenge: displaying and manipulating information from arrays.

Before restructuring the database, I had implemented pagination and a way for users to sort videos and have their sorting preference remembered. The variable videoLimitPerPage established the number of videos a user would see on each page before needing to go another page. I added a page parameter for routes that displayed videos and stored the current page in the variable page. Users could store their personal preference for how videos should be sorted in a variable called sortVideoOption, and this variable would in turn be stored as a local variable in app.locals.sortVideoOption. I implemented these things by creating a function called “video_list” and accessing its callback in my views to display videos.

video_list: function(callback) {
Video.find({}, callback)
.skip(videoLimitPerPage * (page - 1))

After restructuring my database, I no longer had a video model. Instead, each user had a “videos” array that video objects. Therefore, I would have to completely rethink how I accessed video data.

Initially, I tried to display my data by finding a specific user and populating it with the objects in the videos array.

User.find({ email : }, 'videos', callback)
.skip(videoLimitPerPage * (page - 1))

After editing the way my views handled callback data, I was able to view videos added directly to a specific user account and use the .length array property to get an accurate count of how many video objects were in my videos array. However, my pagination and sorting did not function as intended. After all, I was only retrieving one user, so there wasn’t enough to limit or sort.

After searching for how to access nested arrays in MongoDB, I began to learn about aggregation. Essentially, aggregation means taking data and processing it in some way to get a result. MongoDB has several ways of taking advantage of aggregation, but, in this case, I wanted to use the aggregation pipeline. The aggregation pipeline lets you process data in stages. Every subsequent stage processes the data further.

I began to create my aggregation pipeline by thinking of the criteria I wanted to use. First, I would need to access the correct user. MongoDB advises filtering early on in the aggregation pipeline, so I decided to a $match filter for finding the correct user.

$match: {email:}

Once I had the correct user, I would then need to access that user’s videos array. To do so, I used the $unwind operator to deconstruct the videos array. This would allow me to access the individual objects within the videos array.

$unwind: '$videos'

After deconstructing the videos array, I wanted to sort results before anything related to pagination because all of the videos should be sorted together, not on a page-by-page basis. This presented me with an interesting problem. When using cursor .sort, as I had done previously, results would load properly even if the user had not requested a sorting method (i.e. app.locals.sortVideoOption was undefined). However, when using aggregation, results would not load if there was a aggregation $sort operator and no valid means of sorting. I wanted to create a default sort condition that could be used if the user had not requested a specific sorting method.

To create this default sort condition, I created a new function before I began the aggregation pipeline process. I called this function getSortOption and gave it an argument called userInput. I created a conditional statement based on whether userInput existed. If userInput was undefined, I returned an object sorting by date bookmarked as the default sort option. If there was any userInput, I returned that instead. In this case, userInput would be form data submitted in the following format: ‘videos.sortOption,sortDirection.’ I used the .split() method to separate the form data into two separate variables: the field to be sorted and the direction for sorting. I then returned these variables as an object.

function getSortOption(userInput) { if (userInput === undefined) { const defaultSortOption = {'videos.dateBookmarked' : 1} return defaultSortOption } else { const optionArray = userInput.split(',') const sortField = optionArray[0] const sortDirection = parseInt(optionArray[1]) const userSortOption = {[sortField] : sortDirection} return userSortOption } }

I then called this function in the $sort operator and passed app.locals.sortVideoOption to it as the argument for userInput.

$sort: getSortOption(app.locals.sortVideoOption)

I then took the .skip and .limit cursor methods and changed them into $skip and $limit aggregation operators.

$skip: (videoLimitPerPage * (page - 1)) $limit: videoLimitPerPage

Finally, I used the groupoperatortoreturnoutput,oradocument.Thegroup operator to return output, or a document. Thegroup operator has to be used with an accumulator operator, so I decided to use the $push operator. That way, I would have an array with all of the appropriately matched, sorted, skipped, and limited results. To include all of the results in the same array, I chose an id of null.

$group: { _id: null, videos: {$push:'$videos'}}

With all of these considerations made, my final aggregation looked like this:

{ $match: {email:} },
{ $unwind: '$videos' },
{ $sort: getSortOption(app.locals.sortVideoOption) },
{ $skip: (videoLimitPerPage * (page - 1)) },
{ $limit: videoLimitPerPage },
{ $group: { _id: null, videos: {$push:'$videos'} } },
], callback)

Previously, I used this function (the video_list) function to get a tally of the videos in the array. With the $limit operator in place, the length of the array always appeared to be 15 or less, even when more videos were available. Finally, I created a separate function to find the length of videos in the array. Originally, I recycled my original function and found the length of the video array in my views, as I did before implementing the aggregation framework.

User.find({ email : }, 'videos', callback)

However, I wanted to see if I could find the number of videos in the videos array using the aggregation framework as well. I started off by using the same $match criteria and using $unwind to access the videos array. I used the $group operator next, but instead of using $push to add the videos to my callback, I used $sum to tally up the total number of videos in the array.

{ $match: { email: } },
{ $unwind: '$videos' },
{ $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } }
], callback)