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Automating My Project Setup with NPM Scripts

When I create a web application, I typically follow the same steps every time. I create a new directory in my projects folder, open that folder in VSCode, and then create three files: index.html, index.js, and style.scss. After reading about npm Scripts, I wanted to automate these actions and set up new projects from the command line.

After learning more about the package.json file, I wanted to find a way to use scripts to do the following three things in the terminal:

  1. Create a new directory
  2. Navigate into that directory
  3. Create three new files: index.html, index.js. and style.scss

I knew I would use mkdir to create a new directory, cd to enter into that directory, and touch to create the three files. However, I needed to give the folder a name, and that would require me to pass some sort of argument to create the directory (and to navigate to it).

I read a blog post by Dominik Kundel that explained passing arguments and parsing in npm Scripts. I could create an environment variable inside of my package.json file that I could later pass as an argument in the terminal. To create an environment variable, I had to use the following format: $npm_config_foo. I could parse this argument in the terminal using the following syntax: --foo=bar.

With this in mind, I created a script called project and tested it in the terminal.

"scripts": { "project": "mkdir $npm_config_name && cd $npm_config_name && touch index.html index.js style.scss" },

Terminal screen showing the NPM automation process

Testing out npm Scripts