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Creating a Dark Mode Toggle with Sass

Even with smaller projects, I try to emphasize modularity. Changing one thing is always better than changing two. After learning more about structuring code with BEM, I decided to learn more about CSS processors, namely Sass.

I implemented the BEM architecture in my HTML and JavaScript code and gave my page a clean, semantic structure. Although my word counter functioned properly, it wasn’t exactly beautiful.

Page counter with black text, white background, sans serif font, and no styles

Page counter without any style

Given how simple the page itself was, I decided I wanted the style to be reasonably simple and easy on the eyes as well. I changed the placement of the content using CSS grid and borrowed inspiration for a color palette from CopyPalette. I used the Accessible Color Palette Builder to confirm that there was a large enough contrast between my background color and font color.

Page counter with dark blue background and blue accents, now styled

Page counter with accessible “dark mode” style

I decided to lighten the colors of the website using the invert() function in CSS. This way, I would maintain the same amount of contrast for accessibility. I added a bit of text at the bottom of that would allow users to toggle between dark and light mode. The JavaScript for the toggle swapped out the dark mode stylesheet for a light mode stylesheet and vice versa.

I created an additional stylesheet for the light mode version, but I didn’t want to copy over all of the CSS from the original stylesheet. Instead, I looked toward two of the modularity features that Sass offers.

I stored my color palette using the variable feature. I referred to colors by only their variable name for the rest of the stylesheet, so I only needed to invert each color once, when I declared its variable. This is a great improvement from searching and replacing for each instance of a color!

Secondly, I created a module to reuse for both the dark and light stylesheets. The only thing that would change in each stylesheet was the color palette. Therefore, I decided to put the rest of the content of the stylesheet into a separate .scss file. I would use the @use rule to load this information into a new dark mode stylesheet and a light mode stylesheet.

I added the !default flag to the variables in the color palette to indicate that they could be configured. As I built the dark mode first, I used those as the default colors. I then used the @use rule and with to configure the inverse colors for the variables.

@use 'style' with( $dark-color: invert(#001931), $darker-color: invert(#001529), $darkest-color: invert(#000e1c), $mid-color: invert(#002A53), $accent-color-darker: invert(#003971), $accent-color-lighter: invert(#007CF7), $text-color: invert(#ccc) );

Initially, I tried to reconfiguring the light mode variables by calling the original variables to make the light mode Sass file more modular. Unfortunately, this produced an error, but I would like to find a way to invert the dark mode colors without referencing their actual colors a second time.

Given that the dark mode Sass file was now empty aside from an @use rule, I decided to get rid of it altogether and directly compile the base ‘style’ Sass file to use as the default dark mode stylesheet.

Page counter in inverted lighter style with light orange background and darker orange accents

Page counter in inverted “light mode” style