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Using Session Storage for API Data

After fetching the idiom API from the server and adding it to the document, I realized I wanted the user to see the same idiom until they closed their browser. To accomplish this, I decided to use sessionStorage.

Initially, I fetched the API and used stringify to convert the JSON data into a string that sessionStorage could store.

.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => { sessionStorage.setItem('jukugo',JSON.stringify(data['jukugo'])); sessionStorage.setItem('yomi',JSON.stringify(data['yomi'])); yojijukugoKanji.innerText = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('jukugo')); yojijukugoKana.innerText = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('yomi'));

However, ever after using setItem and getItem for the idiom, the idiom would still change upon refresh. The code I had written was trying to fetch the data and set and get a new item upon each page reload. This was not what I wanted.

To fix this, I decided to write a function that checked to see if sessionStorage.getItem existed for the two parts of the idiom (jukugo and yomi). If it existed, I wanted to use the data that already existed without fetching anything. If the value was null, that meant the data had not been fetched yet.

if (((sessionStorage.getItem('jukugo')) !== null) && ((sessionStorage.getItem('yomi')) !== null)) { yojijukugoKanji.innerText = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('jukugo')); yojijukugoKana.innerText = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('yomi'));

If the user had not visited within this browser session, the original code that used fetch, get, and set would be implemented instead with an else statement. That data would then persist across their browser session. Success!