It’s been almost a year since I created a website whose primary purpose was to consume a Japanese idiom API and give users a new idiom (and its pronunciation) each time they visited in a new browser window. When I originally imagined a concept for this website, I wanted to offer users an idiom, its pronunciation, and its definition. (As a language learner, idioms are pretty challenging. By nature, they are more figurative than literal, so only having access to the characters and pronunciation for a word doesn’t help much to understand its meaning.)
However, the API I used did not offer definitions. My first instinct was to find a Japanese dictionary API, pass the idiom received from the Japanese idiom API to it as an argument, and then fetch its definition. Unfortunately, I could not find a Japanese-to-Japanese dictionary API, so I temporarily gave up on this goal.
Now, months later, after learning more about web parsing, I decided to return to my original goal of having definitions for idioms.
I began by adding an Express backend to my application and creating an endpoint specific to idioms. I wanted there to be one specific location for my client side JavaScript to source information. I started by adding in the code for the idiom API I was currently using.
async function getIdiomAndPronunciation () {
const response = await fetch('');
const data = await response.json();
const { pronunciation } = data;
const { idiom } = data;
const idiomAndPronunciation = [ { pronunciation }, { idiom }, ];
return idiomAndPronunciation;
This asynchronous function would return an object that would contain both the Japanese characters for an idiom (jukugo) as well as its reading (yomi). I could use the value of the idiom when trying to retrieve its definition.
Then, I found a website that used a consistent pattern for displaying definitions and decided to fetch my data from there. Available definitions could be found with URLs that looked like this:`WORD_TO_DEFINE`.
I created another asynchronous function whose job would be to get the definition of a word. I used axios to make a get
request for definitions, where WORD_TO_DEFINE
would be a variable representing the idiom. I stored the data for the response in a separate variable.
const response = await axios.get(`${idiom}/`);
const data = await;
Next, I decided to use JSDOM to create a DOM object that I could parse through using JavaScript.
const html = new JSDOM(data);
I took a peak at the page for a definition on my selected website and opened up my developer tools. I found the area where the definition was stored and took note of the different HTML classes it was contained in. I wanted to retrieve content that matched all of the various classes where definitions were stored, so I decided to use querySelectorAll
. As querySelectorAll
returns an array, I took the text content from the first index of the array.
const unparsedDefinition = html.window.document.querySelectorAll('.content-box, .contents_area, .meaning_area, .p10, .contents, .text')[0].textContent;
This definition came padded with whitespace, so I used trim to remove it.
const definition = unparsedDefinition.trim();
I ran into an interesting issue at this point because I was using Japanese characters to retrieve the definition. These characters had to be escaped before they could be used to retrieve data. I created a simple function to encode these characters properly.
const escapeCharacters = (word) => {
const result = encodeURI(word);
return result;
And then passed the escaped characters into my get
const word = escapeCharacters(idiom);
const response = await axios.get(`${word}/`);
In the case that no definition was available for the idiom, an error would occur. To avoid errors, I created an error message to present to users when there was no definition available. I created an empty result array, wrapped my code inside of a try/catch block, pushed the definition to the result array when tries were successful, pushed an apology message when there were errors, and returned whatever was inside of the result array.
async function getDefinition (idiom) {
const word = escapeCharacters(idiom);
const result = [];
try {
const response = await axios.get(`${word}/`);
const data = await;
const html = new JSDOM(data);
const unparsedDefinition = html.window.document.querySelectorAll('.content-box, .contents_area, .meaning_area, .p10, .contents, .text')[0].textContent;
const definition = unparsedDefinition.trim();
catch (error) {
result.push('Sorry, definition unavailable');
return result[0];
I created a third function that would get the appropriate definition for the idiom at hand. The idiom API I used changes the idiom/pronunciation it provides with each request, so it was pivotal that I only request an idiom once. Otherwise, I was likely to wind up with two idioms and a potentially mismatched definition.
async function getIdiomWithMeaning() {
const idiomAndPronunciation = await getIdiomAndPronunciation();
const { pronunciation } = idiomAndPronunciation[0];
const { idiom } = idiomAndPronunciation[1];
const definition = await getDefinition(idiom);
const idiomWithMeaningData = [
{ pronunciation },
{ idiom },
{ definition },
return idiomWithMeaningData;
I then served this definition (alongside the idiom itself and its pronunciation) up as JSON data available to my client side JavaScript.
async function displayIdiomWithPronunciation() {
const data = await getIdiomWithPronunciation();
Instead of making multiple network requests on the client side, I made only one request to my own server:
const idiomWithDefinition = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/idiom');